The Implication of Jesus Healing-Sick People as depicted on the NT

Here i say my opinion to a BBC News about a man named Dale Neumann who let his sick daughter die and would not let his sick daughter took to the hospital to be healed.

He have done this "in faith" to Jesus or to God as he claim and was influenced that "faith" do really heals miraculously by the depictions in the new testament...

Yap,he has faith but God refuses him so to grant him a sad :(

His faith have betrayed his sad :(

This happens to most people who "beleive" in god...but god never "beleived" his prayer for miracle but only god laughs at him, because according to god's eyes he is fool and Not worthy to grant a evil!..tsk..tsk..

Why does teach people to beleive god if god is dead....

"Faith in action is not the answer" Do you called "faith in action" the one who frequently worries and toss and fro and always in action or moving and fretting?

The man have faith to make a miracle but was not worthy for it in god's eyes...Yah he beleive that god can do everything can heal his daughter without any human medication as jesus displays in the new testament...

That depiction of Jesus healing people miraculously should be ban from general public who have no understanding about it... for its implications to an ordinary indoctrinated man is very dangerous....


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